
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

DevinSuperTramp - Return to the Shire - New Zealand

DevinSuperTramp did this awesome video on "Return to the Shire - New Zealand".  DevinSuperTramp does a lot of cool 4K videos of various spectacular locations and events.


  1. This is so fun! What a great idea. Also I love how authentic you seem to be. Your style and passion for blogging is contagious. Thank you for sharing your life!

  2. The scene here is beautiful, I feel it is interesting, I hope you continue to have good posts like this to share.

  3. Thanks for your post! It's been a long time since I read a good article and such a meaning! I hope you will continue to write articles like these for hobbyists!

  4. Amazing images, this is a dream landscape for hobbit. The designer has a good imagination to do this in this way.

  5. You have to have imagination for such buildings, to create something underground is really extraordinary. He very much helps the landscape of the New Zealand, reminds me of the master of the rings, the hobbits who lived in those houses under the ground.
