
Monday, June 1, 2015

New Webelos Adventures Conversion

New Webelos Adventures Conversion
As of June 1st, 2015, the Webelos have new Adventure pins to be earned.  Many of the old activity pins have been converted, and some have been retired.  Here is a rough list of what I believe is the closest conversion from the old Webelos activity pins.

Webelos Required Adventures

New AdventureOld ActivityTopic
Cast Iron Chefnewcooking
Duty to God and Youaka part of past Webelos requirementsreligion
First Responderaka Readymanfirst aid
Stronger, Faster, Higheraka Athleteexercise
Webelos Walkaboutnewhiking

Arrow of Light Required Adventures

New AdventureOld ActivityTopic
Building a Better Worldaka Citizencitizenship
Camperaka Outdoorsmancamping
Duty to God in Actionaka part of past Webelos requirementsreligion
Scouting Adventureaka part of past Arrow of Light requirementsboy scouts

Webelos and Arrow of Light Elective Adventures

New AdventureOld ActivityTopic
Adventures in Scienceaka Scientistscience
Aquanautaka Aquanautswimming
Art Explosionaka Artistart
Aware and Carenewdisabilities
Build Itaka Craftsmanbuilding
Build My Own Heronewheros
Earth Rocks!aka Geologistgeology
Engineeraka Engineercivil engineering
Fix Itaka Handymanrepairs/maintenance
Game Designnewgames
Into the Wildaka Naturalistbugs
Into the Woodsaka Forestertrees
Looking Back, Looking Forwardnewscouting history
Moviemakingnewmovie making
Project Familyaka Family Memberfamily
Sportsmanaka Sportsmansports

Retired Past Activity Pins

Old ActivityTopics
Communicatornews, codes, language, computers
Fitnesshealth, alcohol, drugs
Scholarschool, math, language, chess
Showmanpuppets, music, drama
Travelertravel, maps

List Format

Webelos Required Adventures
  • Cast Iron Chef - new  (cooking)
  • Duty to God and You - aka part of past Webelos requirements  (religion)
  • First Responder - aka Readyman  (first aid)
  • Stronger, Faster, Higher - aka Athlete  (exercise)
  • Webelos Walkabout - new  (hiking)

Arrow of Light Required Adventures
  • Building a Better World - aka Citizen  (citizenship)
  • Camper - aka Outdoorsman  (camping)
  • Duty to God in Action - aka part of past Webelos requirements  (religion)
  • Scouting Adventure - aka part of past Arrow of Light requirements  (boy scouts)

Webelos and Arrow of Light Elective Adventures
  • Adventures in Science - aka Scientist  (science)
  • Aquanaut -  aka Aquanaut  (swimming)
  • Art Explosion -  aka Artist  (art)
  • Aware and Care - new  (disabilities)
  • Build It - aka Craftsman  (building)
  • Build My Own Hero - new  (heros)
  • Castaway - new  (survivalist)
  • Earth Rocks! - aka Geologist  (geology)
  • Engineer - aka Engineer  (civil engineering)
  • Fix It - aka Handyman  (repairs/maintenance)
  • Game Design -  new  (games)
  • Into the Wild -  aka Naturalist  (bugs)
  • Into the Woods - aka Forester  (trees)
  • Looking Back, Looking Forward - new  (scouting history)
  • Maestro! - new  (music)
  • Moviemaking - new  (movie making)
  • Project Family - aka Family Member  (family)
  • Sportsman - aka Sportsman  (sports)

Retired Past Activity Pins
  • Communicator - news, codes, language, computers
  • Fitness - health, alcohol, drugs
  • Scholar - school, math, language, chess
  • Showman - puppets, music, drama
  • Traveler - travel, maps